Chapter 1. Chapter 7 Journal Entry


Chapter 7 Journal Entry:
Assessing Your Note-Taking Strategy

This chapter presented a four-step strategy for taking notes.

  • Step 1 is preparing to take notes and it includes gathering the note-taking materials you need and previewing concepts.
  • Step 2 is actively engaging with the material, which also involves concentrating and eliminating distractions.
  • Step 3 is paraphrasing and recording information.
  • Step 4 is reviewing your notes.

In a journal entry, reflect on some of the challenges you’ve had with each step in the process, and consider the different strategies outlined in this chapter that you could implement to improve your note taking. Has this reflection had any impact on your note-taking confidence? In what way? Based on this reflection, will you adopt a different strategy for taking notes in the future? Try different methods? Revise your current strategy? Explain your decision.

