Adopting a Success Attitude: Overcoming Writer’s Block

Adopting a Success Attitude:
Overcoming Writer’s Block

For some people, negative thinking and self-doubt can create a mental block, making it difficult to even begin writing an assigned paper. If this happens to you, try using freewriting to break through this writer’s block. With freewriting, you write as much as you can about a specific topic for a set period of time without any constraints. Let’s give it a try.

Sit down at a computer and type your topic at the top of the page (or write it on a piece of paper). You may want to choose a topic that relates to a writing assignment for another class. Set a timer for 10 minutes, and then type or write whatever comes to mind about this topic — thoughts, feelings, beliefs, questions, arguments, experiences, and so on. Don’t worry about organization, grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Type or write as fast as you can, and don’t stop until the timer goes off. When it does, congratulate yourself — you’ve overcome writer’s block!

Now review what you wrote. Did you generate any new ideas that might help you with your writing assignment? Explain your response in the text box below.

Note: If you didn’t come up with ideas that you can use, it’s okay — you may need to try freewriting a few more times to start seeing results. Don’t give up on this technique after only one try!

Question 1

Review your freewriting. Did you generate any new ideas that might help you with your writing assignment?