Journal Entry: Recognizing Differences

Journal Entry:
Recognizing Differences

Part 1:

In order to truly embrace diversity and develop empathy for the values, beliefs, and lived experiences of others, we must first develop self-awareness of our own background. In the text box below, describe who you are and what makes you unique in ten to twelve sentences. You may want to include elements of diversity found in Table 11.2, and you’ll likely want to describe the customs, traditions, rituals, food, clothing, and other characteristics that embody your cultural background. You could even talk about values, beliefs, experiences, or accomplishments that are unique to you. Feel free to be creative as you describe yourself; for example, if you could bring in an item or two that speaks to your identity (anything from a photograph to a food dish), what would you bring? You can describe this in your journal.

Question 1

Describe who you are and what makes you unique in ten to twelve sentences.

Part 2:

Once you’ve completed the first part of the assignment, reflect on your experience in a second journal entry by answering the following four questions:

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5