College Success = Career Success: Managing Stress at Work

College Success = Career Success:
Managing Stress at Work

Managing stress at work is similar to managing stress in college. In fact, if you practice these strategies now, they’ll be easier to perform in a work environment.

Consider a situation that’s causing you stress. Then examine the chart below, which presents four strategies for dealing with a stressful situation. The first two strategies involve changing the situation, and the remaining two involve changing your reaction to the situation.

Each strategy has four associated questions which can help you determine if it is appropriate for your situation. Read through the questions for each strategy and select “yes,” “no,” or “unsure” as you determine if it is a strategy you can use to deal with your stressful situation.

Determine Your Stress Management Strategy
Change the situation Change your reaction to the situation
Strategy 1: Avoid the stress Strategy 2: Alter the stressor Strategy 3: Adapt to the stressor Strategy 4: Accept the stressor
Question 1: Can you say "no"?
Yes No Unsure
Question 1: Can you ask for help?
Yes No Unsure
Question 1: Can you think more positively about the situation (find a silver lining)?
Yes No Unsure
Question 1: Can you give yourself an incentive to complete the task?
Yes No Unsure
Question 2: Can you alter your behavior to avoid the stress?
Yes No Unsure
Question 2: Can you schedule your time differently to reduce the stress?
Yes No Unsure
Question 2: Can you adjust your standards and not seek perfection?
Yes No Unsure
Question 2: Can you accept that some things are beyond your control?
Yes No Unsure
Question 3: Can you pare down your to-do-list?
Yes No Unsure
Question 3: Can you delegate some tasks to others?
Yes No Unsure
Question 3: Can you recognize and reduce self-defeating thoughts you're having ("should," "must")?
Yes No Unsure
Question 3: Can you see how you would do things differently next time?
Yes No Unsure
Question 4: Can you avoid or limit your time with the person causing the stress?
Yes No Unsure
Question 4: Can you communicate your feelings and concerns to the person causing the stress?
Yes No Unsure
Question 4: Can you understand the perspective of the person causing the stress?
Yes No Unsure
Question 4: Can you let go of anger and resentment toward the person causing the stress, and move on?
Yes No Unsure

After answering the questions in the chart, select what you think is the most useful strategy in this situation. Then implement it, and answer the following questions:

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4