College Success = Career Success: Overcoming Procrastination

College Success = Career Success:
Overcoming Procrastination

Do you procrastinate? If so, don't feel bad. Many (probably most) of us do at one time or another. Procrasination usually involves ignoring an unpleasant task in favor of one that is more enjoyable or easier. In some cases, there can be negative consequences for giving in to this impulse. When you procrastinate in school, you may end up cramming for an exam or staying up all night to finish a project. This may cause you anxiety, guilt, frustration, and exhaustion, and it may even result in a low grade. When you procrastinate at work, the consequences might be even greater: You could receive a poor performance review, and if this behavior continues over time, it could even get you fired.

To overcome procrastination it helps to know your triggers and adopt anti-procrastination strategies. Self-reflect on your procrastination habits by responding to the following four questions:

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4