College Success = Career Success: Expanding Your Professional Vocabulary

College Success = Career Success:
Expanding Your Professional Vocabulary

Identify a professional journal or magazine related to your current career (if you’re working), a future career (if you have one in mind), or a career that you’re curious about (if you’re undecided). If you aren’t sure what journals or magazines relate to your career, do a Google search, ask an instructor in the appropriate department, contact a librarian at your college, or ask someone working in this field. Select an article from the publication, and use the tips you learned in this chapter to preview and read the article.

Then, in the text box below, type five words from this article that are new to you or that seem important in the career you’ve identified. Next to each word, type the definition. If the definition doesn’t appear in the article, look the word up in a dictionary.

Tip: Hold on to a copy of these words and definitions — if they’re related to your current or future career, you can bet you’ll see them again!

Question 1