Figure 7.7: Are you a supertaster? There’s an easy test you can do at home to find out. You’ll need (1) a thick piece paper, such as a 3 x 5 note card or a piece of construction paper; (2) a hole punch; (3) blue food coloring; (4) a mirror; and (5) a magnifying glass. Punch a hole on the paper with the hole punch (about 6 mm in diameter). Then, rub food coloring on your tongue. Although this will turn your tongue blue, the papillae will appear as pinkish bumps. Place the card over your tongue and press gently. Using the mirror and the magnifying glass, count the number of bumps (papillae) you see through the hole in the paper. If you count over 35 or 40 papillae, you’re a supertaster. If you count between 15 and 35, you’re a “medium taster.” And if you count fewer than 15, you’re a nontaster.
Courtesy of Linda Bartoshuk