Students will differ in their approach to reducing possible biases in a diverse group of people. However, students may draw on the stages for intergroup contact to outline their plan. Stage 1 includes initial contact, decategorization, and initial anxiety that may lead to liking of the individual. Stage 2 includes established contact, salient categorization, and lessening of prejudice against the outgroup. Stage 3 includes common ingroup identity, recategorization, and a maximum reduction in prejudice that fosters cooperation. Students may also use findings from the Robbers Cave experiment demonstrating how reducing stereotyping, reducing anxiety, and fostering empathy may lead to positive change. In addition, students may utilize research on the jigsaw classroom to illustrate how prejudice may be reduced by dividing a project into subtopics or tasks and assigning them to the various members to master in an environment where there is equal status and cooperation toward a common goal.