Figure 3.13 | Two More Organizational Perceptual Ambiguities | On the left is a young/old woman ambiguity taken from a German postcard from 1888. The ambiguity on this postcard is like the one in Figure 3.12. Can you see both the young woman and the old woman? Their head positions are just like those in Figure 3.12. The old woman’s big nose is the chin and jaw of the younger woman. On the right is a similar perceptual ambiguity that allows the perception of both a young man and an old man. If you’re having difficulty seeing both men, the old man’s big nose is the chin and jaw of the younger man just like in the ambiguous women’s version. The two men, however, are facing to the right and not to the left like the two women.
((a) Science Source; (b) Drawn by Mr. George P. Marsden, Chief, Medical Arts Section, DRS, NIH)