Chapter 10 Key Terms Exercise

Study Guide

Identify the correct term for each of the following definitions. Click the Show Answer button below each question to see the answer.

Question 10.12


A repetitive and rigid behavior that a person feels compelled to perform in order to reduce anxiety.



Question 10.13


An anxiety disorder indicated by a marked and persistent fear of being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing.



Question 10.14


An explanation of schizophrenia that proposes that genetic, prenatal, and postnatal biological factors render a person vulnerable to schizophrenia, but environmental stress determines whether it develops or not.


vulnerability–stress model

Question 10.15


A style of psychotherapy, developed by Carl Rogers, in which the therapist uses unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and empathy to help the person to gain insight into his true self-concept.


client-centered therapy

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Question 10.16


A counterconditioning exposure therapy in which a fear response to an object or situation is replaced with a relaxation response in a series of progressively increasing fear-arousing steps.


systematic desensitization

Question 10.17


Getting better with the passage of time without receiving any therapy.


spontaneous remission

Question 10.18


A type of cognitive therapy, developed by Albert Ellis, in which the therapist directly confronts and challenges the person’s unrealistic thoughts and beliefs to show that they are irrational.


rational-emotive therapy

Question 10.19


A disorder characterized by inflexible, long-standing personality traits that lead to behavior that impairs social functioning and deviates from cultural norms.


personality disorder

Question 10.20


A false sensory perception.



Question 10.21


A disorder in which recurrent cycles of depressive and manic episodes occur.


bipolar disorder

Question 10.22


The current version of the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic and classification guidelines for mental disorders.


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)

Question 10.23


Explaining abnormality as the result of the interaction among biological, psychological (behavioral and cognitive), and social or cultural factors.


biopsychosocial approach

Question 10.24


An explanation of depression that proposes that the growth of new neurons in the hippocampus stops during depression, and when it resumes, the depression lifts.


neurogenesis theory of depression

Question 10.25


A person undergoing therapy acts toward the therapist as he or she did or does toward important figures in his or her life, such as parents.



Question 10.26


A side effect of long-term use of traditional antipsychotic drugs causing the person to have uncontrollable facial tics, grimaces, and other involuntary movements of the lips, jaw, and tongue.


tardive dyskinesia

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