Chapter 1 Key Terms Exercise

Study Guide

Identify the correct term for each of the following definitions. Click the Show Answer button below each question to see the answer.

Question 1.11


An explanation of a correlation between two variables in terms of another variable that could possibly be responsible for the observed relationship between the two variables.


third-variable problem

Question 1.12


A control measure in an experiment in which neither the experimenters nor the participants know which participants are in the experimental and control groups.


double-blind procedure

Question 1.13


The score positioned in the middle of a distribution of scores when all of the scores are arranged from lowest to highest.



Question 1.14


An asymmetric frequency distribution in which there are some unusually high scores that distort the mean to be greater than the median.


right-skewed distribution

Question 1.15


Improvement due to the expectation of improving because of receiving treatment.


placebo effect

Question 1.16


An inverse relationship between two variables.


negative correlation

Page 38

Question 1.17


A control measure in an experiment in which participants are randomly assigned to groups in order to equalize participant characteristics across the various groups in the experiment.


random assignment

Question 1.18


The percentage of scores below a specific score in a distribution of scores.


percentile rank

Question 1.19


A research perspective whose major explanatory focus is how the brain, nervous system, and other physiological mechanisms produce our behavior and mental processes.


biological perspective

Question 1.20


A description of the operations or procedures that a researcher uses to manipulate or measure a variable.


operational definition

Question 1.21


The tendency, after learning about an outcome, to be overconfident in one’s ability to have predicted it.


hindsight bias (I-knew-it-all-along phenomenon)

Question 1.22


A visual depiction of correlational data in which each data point represents the scores on the two variables for each participant.



Question 1.23


The entire group of people that a researcher is studying.



Question 1.24


The difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution of scores.



Question 1.25


Statistical analyses that allow researchers to draw conclusions about the results of a study by determining the probability the results are due to random variation (chance).


inferential statistical analyses

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