Chapter 2 Practice Test Questions

Study Guide

The following are practice multiple-choice test questions on some of the chapter content. Click the Show Answer button below each question to see the answer. If you guessed or incorrectly answered a question, restudy the relevant section of the chapter.

Question 2.30


The main function of the ____ is to receive information from other neurons.

  1. dendrites

  2. cell body

  3. axon

  4. axon terminals

a; dendrites

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Question 2.31


Which of the following is an agonist?

  1. curare

  2. GABA

  3. botulinum poison

  4. amphetamine

d; amphetamine

Question 2.32


An SSRI works by blocking the reuptake of ____.

  1. dopamine

  2. serotonin

  3. norepinephrine

  4. GABA

b; serotonin

Question 2.33


Which type of neuron carries information from the CNS to the PNS?

  1. sensory neuron

  2. motor neuron

  3. interneuron

  4. glial

b; motor neuron

Question 2.34


Which of the following is an action of the parasympathetic nervous system?

  1. pupil dilation

  2. stimulation of digestion

  3. accelerated heartbeat

  4. raised blood sugar levels

b; stimulation of digestion

Question 2.35


The actions of the pituitary gland are controlled by the ____.

  1. hippocampus

  2. amygdala

  3. hypothalamus

  4. medulla

c; hypothalamus

Question 2.36


The limbic system consists of the ____.

  1. thalamus, hypothalamus, and amygdala

  2. hypothalamus, medulla, and reticular formation

  3. amygdala, hypothalamus, and hippocampus

  4. basal ganglia, amygdala, and cerebellum

c; amygdala, hypothalamus, and hippocampus

Question 2.37


In the majority of people, Broca’s area is locatedin the ____ hemisphere, and Wernicke’s area is located in the ____ hemisphere.

  1. right; right

  2. right; left

  3. left; right

  4. left; left

d; left; left

Question 2.38


Information in a person’s left visual field goes to the ____ half of each eye and then to the ____ hemisphere.

  1. left; left

  2. left; right

  3. right; right

  4. right; left

c; right; right

Question 2.39


Which of the following stages of sleep is referred to as paradoxical sleep?

  1. Stage 2

  2. Stage 3

  3. Stage 4

  4. REM sleep

d; REM sleep

Question 2.40


The ____ theory of emotion proposes that the physiological arousal and behavioral responses and the emotional feeling all occur simultaneously but independently.

  1. Schachter-Singer two-factor

  2. Cannon-Bard

  3. James-Lange

  4. “commonsense”

b; Cannon-Bard

Question 2.41


At dinner, when John picks up his fork, his ____ nervous system controls the movement of his fingers. His ____ nervous system regulates his stomach and controls the digestion of food.

  1. autonomic; autonomic

  2. autonomic; somatic

  3. somatic; autonomic

  4. somatic; somatic

c; somatic; autonomic

Question 2.42


Damage to the right hemisphere will most likely disrupt a person’s ability to ____.

  1. balance a checkbook

  2. recognize faces

  3. do logic problems

  4. give speeches

b; recognize faces

Question 2.43


Botulinum poisoning (food poisoning) causes paralysis by blocking the release of ____, and curare paralyzes by occupying the receptor sites for ____.

  1. acetylcholine; acetylcholine

  2. acetylcholine; GABA

  3. GABA; acetylcholine


a; acetylcholine; acetylcholine

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Question 2.44


The amount of space devoted to each part of the body in the motor cortex is ____.

  1. proportional to the actual size of that part of the body

  2. proportional to the complexity and precision of movement of which that part of the body is capable

  3. the same for all body parts

  4. greater for your torso than for your hands

b; proportional to the complexity and precision of motor movement of which that part of the body is capable

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