Digital Resources for Students
LaunchPad for Psychology: A Concise Introduction, Fifth Edition, includes an e-
Each of the following Worth supplementary books can be packaged with Psychology: A Concise Introduction, Fifth Edition, for a nominal additional cost.
New! Worth Expert Guide to Scientific Literacy: Thinking Like a Psychological Scientist, Kenneth Keith, Ithaca College, and Bernard Beins, Ithaca College Exposes students to the solid habits of scientific thought and teaches them to apply an empirical attitude and data-
New! The Horse That Won’t Go Away: Clever Hans, Facilitated Communication, and the Need for Clear Thinking, Thomas E. Heinzen, William Patterson University of New Jersey, Scott O. Lilienfeld, Emory University, and Susan A. Nolan, Seton Hall University An engaging and accessible introduction to the need for psychological science. From the strange case of Clever Hans, the horse that supposedly could count and do math, to the unsupported claim that facilitated communication could allow persons with autism to communicate, the authors take the student on a tour of cases that show just how important it is to rely on the scientific method as we navigate our way through everyday life.
New! Pursuing Human Strengths: A Positive Psychology Guide, Second Edition, Martin Bolt, Calvin College Martin Bolt’s workbook aims to help students build up their strengths. Closely following the research, this book provides a brief overview of nine positive traits, such as hope, self-
New! The Critical Thinking Companion, Third Edition, Jane Halonen, University of West Florida, and Cynthia Gray, Alverno College Tied to the introductory psychology course, this engaging and concise companion book takes an active learning approach to developing students’ critical thinking skills. The authors include a wealth of hands-
LaunchPad with LearningCurve Quizzing Built to solve key challenges in the course, LaunchPad gives students everything they need to prepare for class and exams, while giving instructors everything they need to quickly set up a course, shape the content to their syllabus, craft presentations and lectures, assign and assess homework, and guide the progress of individual students and the class as a whole.
An interactive e-
LearningCurve adaptive quizzing gives individualized question sets and feedback based on each student’s correct and incorrect responses. All the questions are tied back to the e-
PsychSim 6 has arrived! Tom Ludwig’s (Hope College) fabulous new tutorials further strengthen LaunchPad’s abundance of helpful student activity resources.
The Video Assignment Tool makes it easy to assign and assess video-
LaunchPad Gradebook gives a clear window on performance for the whole class, for individual students, and for individual assignments.
A streamlined interface helps students manage their schedule of assignments, while social commenting tools let them connect with classmates and learn from each other. 24/7 help is a click away, accessible from a link in the upper right-
Curated optional pre-
Offers easy LMS integration into your school’s learning management system.
Downloadable Instructor’s Resource Manual Mallory Malkin, Mississippi University for Women; Andrew N. Christopher, Albion College; Pam Marek, Kennesaw State University; and Scott Cohn, Western Colorado State University.Thoroughly updated from the last edition, this manual provides a variety of resources to help you plan your course and class sessions. Resources include annotated chapter outlines and lecture guides with tips on how to present the material, effective classroom activities (including both in-
Downloadable Test Bank Richard D. Platt and Cynthia S. Koenig, St. Mary’s College of Maryland; Pam Marek, Kennesaw State University; Sherri L. Jackson, Jacksonville University; Richard A. Griggs, University of Florida; and Adrienne Williamson, Kennesaw State University. Tied to the pages of Psychology: A Concise Introduction, Fifth Edition, the Downloadable Test Bank provides over 1,500 multiple-
The Video Collection is now the single resource for all videos for introductory psychology from Worth Publishers. Available on flash drive and in LaunchPad, this includes over 130 clips.
Interactive Presentation Slides for Introductory Psychology is an extraordinary series of PowerPoint® lectures. This is a dynamic yet easy-
Lecture and Illustration Slides In addition to the Interactive Presentation Slides, there are two other PowerPoint® slide sets to accompany the text. For each chapter, we offer a set that includes chapter art and illustrations and a final lecture presentation set that merges detailed chapter outlines with text illustrations and artwork from outside sources. Each set can be used directly or customized to fit your needs.
Macmillan Community Created by instructors for instructors, this is an ideal forum for interacting with fellow educators—