
First, I would like to thank all of the reviewers who have given generously of their time and expertise in working on the various editions of Psychology: A Concise Introduction. I am also indebted to my supplements author team. I truly appreciate their hard work and commitment to excellence.

At Worth Publishers, I am indebted to the many talented editorial and production people who worked on this revision. I would like to thank Carlise Stembridge (Executive Editor), Tracey Kuehn (Director of Content Management Enhancement), Lisa Kinne (Managing Editor), Jane O’Neill (Senior Project Editor), Sarah Segal (Senior Production Supervisor), Diana Blume (Director of Design, Content Management), Vicki Tomaselli (Senior Design Manager), Matthew McAdams (Art Manager), Robin Fadool (Photo Editor), Anthony Casciano (Media Editor), and Kimberly Morgan Smith (Assistant Editor) for all of their respective contributions to the production of this fifth edition. Special thanks go to Jackie Saccoccio for allowing us to use her beautiful paintings for the cover and the chapter opening art. In addition, I appreciate the dedication and meticulous efforts of my copy editor Deborah Heimann, proofreader Maria Vlasak, and indexer Ellen Brennan. My deepest thanks go to my publisher Rachel Losh (now Director of Personalized Learning) for her invaluable support and insightful guidance on this fifth edition.

Finally, my thanks extend to my wife, Sherri. Her love, encouragement, and unflagging support have kept me going through all five editions of this text.

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