Chapter 4 Key Terms

Study Guide

You should know the definitions of the following key terms from the chapter. They are listed in the order in which they appear in the chapter. For those you do not know, return to the relevant section of the chapter to learn them.

classical conditioning


unconditioned stimulus (UCS)

unconditioned response (UCR)

conditioned stimulus (CS)

conditioned response (CR)

delayed conditioning

trace conditioning

acquisition (in classical conditioning)

extinction (in classical conditioning)

spontaneous recovery (in classical conditioning)

stimulus generalization (in classical conditioning)

stimulus discrimination (in classical conditioning)

operant conditioning

law of effect





appetitive stimulus

aversive stimulus

positive reinforcement

positive punishment

negative reinforcement

negative punishment

Premack principle

primary reinforcer

secondary reinforcer

behavior modification


cumulative record

acquisition (in operant conditioning)

extinction (in operant conditioning)

spontaneous recovery (in operant conditioning)

discriminative stimulus (in operant conditioning)

stimulus discrimination (in operant conditioning)

stimulus generalization (in operant conditioning)

continuous schedule of reinforcement

partial schedule of reinforcement

partial-reinforcement effect

fixed-ratio schedule

variable-ratio schedule

fixed-interval schedule

variable-interval schedule


drive-reduction theory

incentive theory

arousal theory

Yerkes-Dodson law

extrinsic motivation

intrinsic motivation

overjustification effect

instinctual drift

latent learning

observational learning (modeling)

mirror neurons

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