Chapter 4 Key Terms Exercise

Study Guide

Identify the correct term for each of the following definitions. Click the Show Answer button below each question to see the answer.

Question 4.15


A classical conditioning procedure in which the conditioned stimulus precedes the unconditioned stimulus but the two stimuli do not occur together.


trace conditioning

Question 4.16


A stimulus that gains its reinforcing property through learning.


secondary reinforcer

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Question 4.17


In operant conditioning, giving the operant response in the presence of stimuli similar to the discriminative stimulus.


stimulus generalization

Question 4.18


The stimulus that comes to elicit a new response in classical conditioning.


conditioned stimulus

Question 4.19


The finding that operant responses reinforced on partial schedules are more resistant to extinction than those reinforced on a continuous schedule.


partial-reinforcement effect

Question 4.20


A stimulus that is unpleasant.


aversive stimulus

Question 4.21


Training an animal or human to make an operant response by reinforcing successive approximations to the desired response.



Question 4.22


A partial schedule of reinforcement in which the number of responses it takes to obtain a reinforcer varies on each trial but averages to a set number across trials.


variable-ratio schedule

Question 4.23


A partial schedule of reinforcement in which the time that must elapse on each trial before a response will lead to the delivery of a reinforcer varies from trial to trial but averages to a set time across trials.


variable-interval schedule

Question 4.24


The application of classical and operant conditioning principles to eliminate undesirable behavior and to teach more desirable behavior.


behavior modification

Question 4.25


The desire to perform a behavior for external reinforcement.


extrinsic motivation

Question 4.26


Punishment in which an aversive stimulus is presented.


positive punishment

Question 4.27


A principle developed by Edward Thorndike that says that any behavior that results in satisfying consequences tends to be repeated and that any behavior that results in unsatisfying consequences tends not to be repeated.


law of effect

Question 4.28


A partial recovery in strength of the conditioned response following a break during extinction training.


spontaneous recovery (in classical conditioning)

Question 4.29


The diminishing of the operant response when it is no longer reinforced.


extinction (in operant conditioning)

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