Marvin for JavaScript - Webservices

Extended functionalities

Extended functionalities means those features that are only available if web services are setup.

Refer web services

By default, those functionalities in the editor that require live connection to existing web services are disabled. To activate them, you have to set up address of these web services for the editor.

Use the setServices method of the editor to apply its webservice settings. See the Sketch apidoc for more details. If you want to activate all web services, please, see the How To Embed section in the documentation that describes how you can insert an editor into a web page where all available web services are preset.

The default address of these services is defined in the webservices.js. By default, it points to a copy of JChem Webservices.

If you have your own implementation for these services or your copy of JChem Webservices are located on a different URL, you may have to overwrite default settings.

Specification of Webservices

Those web services that are referred by Marvin for JavaScript have to complete the following specifications.

Clean 2D
