Risks Estimated to Increase the Probability of Death in Any Year by One Chance in a Million

Activity Cause of Death
Smoking 1.4 cigarettes Cancer, heart disease
Drinking 5 glasses of wine Cirrhosis of the liver
Living 5 years at the site boundary of a
nuclear power plant
Cancer caused by radiation
Living 2 days in New York City Air pollution
Traveling 10 miles by bicycle Accident
Eating 40 tablespoons of peanut butter Liver cancer by aflatoxin B
Drinking Miami water for 1 year Cancer caused by chloroform
Drinking 1000 24 oz. drinks from plastic
Cancer caused by acrylonitrile
Eating 100 charcoal-broiled steaks ancer caused by benzpyrene

Toxic Substances

Agent Amount to kill a 150 lb person (mg) mass source structure
Botulinum toxin 0.00007 149000 Bacterium complex protein
Tetanus toxin 0.00014 150000 Bacterium complex protein
Maitotoxin 0.007 2700 Marine
Textilitoxin 0.041 80000 Taipan snake complex protein
Batrachotoxin 0.14 539 Poison
Conotoxin 0.34 1500 Cone snail
Tetrodotoxin 0.54 319 Puffer fish
VX 1 267 Chemical warfare agent
Sarin 7 140 Chemical warfare agent