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Chapter 1. Why Do We Sleep?

Health Psychology Student Video Activities
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Picture of a woman sleeping
wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock

Why Do We Sleep?

Author: Richard O. Straub

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Why do people spend on average one-third of their lives asleep? This 60 Minutes video clip explores what happens inside our brains and bodies while we’re asleep. Over the past 50 years, people are sleeping significantly less, creating a host of potential health problems. These include promoting obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, accidents, and impaired cognitive performance. Naps can help, but what is most important is that people get seven and a half to eight hours of sleep every night.


1. On average, human beings spend what proportion of their lives asleep?

2. Researchers have found that laboratory rats who were kept awake indefinitely:

3. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the need for sleep?

4. Research studies with college students have found that performance on a
memorization task was improved when:

5. A single night of only four or five hours of sleep:

6. A Virginia Tech study of what causes car crashes found that the riskiest behavior


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