TABLE 20.1
Major Federal Progressive Measures, 1883–1921
Before 1900
Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883)
Hatch Act (1887; Chapter 17)
Interstate Commerce Act (1887; Chapter 17)
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)
Federal income tax (1894; struck down by Supreme Court, 1895)
During Theodore Roosevelt’s Presidency, 1901–1909
Newlands Reclamation Act for federal irrigation (1902)
Elkins Act (1903)
First National Wildlife Refuge (1903; Chapter 18)
Bureau of Corporations created to aid Justice Department antitrust work (1903)
National Forest Service created (1905)
Antiquities Act (1906; Chapter 18)
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906; Chapter 19)
Hepburn Act (1906)
First White House Conference on Dependent Children (1909)
During William Howard Taft’s Presidency, 1909–1913
Mann Act preventing interstate prostitution (1910; Chapter 19)
Children’s Bureau created in the U.S. Labor Department (1912)
U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations appointed (1912)
During Woodrow Wilson’s Presidency, 1913–1920
Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution; federal income tax (1913)
Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution; direct election of U.S. senators (1913)
Federal Reserve Act (1913)
Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
Seamen’s Act (1915)
Workmen’s Compensation Act (1916)
Adamson Eight-Hour Act (1916)
National Park Service created (1916; Chapter 18)
Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution; prohibition of liquor (1919; Chapter 22)
Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution; women’s suffrage (1920; Chapter 21)