TABLE 28.1
Major Great Society Legislation
Civil Rights
1964 Twenty-fourth Amendment Outlawed poll tax in federal elections
Civil Rights Act Banned discrimination in employment and public accommodations on the basis of race, religion, sex, or national origin
1965 Voting Rights Act Outlawed literacy tests for voting; provided federal supervision of registration in historically low-registration areas
Social Welfare
1964 Economic Opportunity Act Created Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) to administer War on Poverty programs such as Head Start, Job Corps, and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA)
1965 Medical Care Act Provided medical care for the poor (Medicaid) and the elderly (Medicare)
1966 Minimum Wage Act Raised hourly minimum wage from $1.25 to $1.40 and expanded coverage to new groups
1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act Granted federal aid for education of poor children
National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities Provided federal funding and support for artists and scholars
Higher Education Act Provided federal scholarships for postsecondary education
Housing and Urban Development
1964 Urban Mass Transportation Act Provided federal aid to urban mass transit
Omnibus Housing Act Provided federal funds for public housing and rent subsidies for low-income families
1965 Housing and Urban Development Act Created Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
1966 Metropolitan Area Redevelopment and Demonstration Cities Acts Designated 150 “model cities” for combined programs of public housing, social services, and job training
1964 Wilderness Preservation Act Designated 9.1 million acres of federal lands as “wilderness areas,” barring future roads, buildings, or commercial use
1965 Air and Water Quality Acts Set tougher air quality standards; required states to enforce water quality standards for interstate waters
1964 Tax Reduction Act Reduced personal and corporate income tax rates
1965 Immigration Act Abandoned national quotas of 1924 law, allowing more non-European immigration
Appalachian Regional and Development Act Provided federal funding for roads, health clinics, and other public works projects in economically depressed regions