Cleveland, Ohio, becomes nation’s petroleum refining center
Chicago’s Union Stock Yard opens
National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry founded
Knights of Labor founded
John Wanamaker opens nation’s first department store in Philadelphia
Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
San Francisco mob attacks Chinatown
Great Railroad Strike
Greenback-Labor Party elects 15 Congressmen.
Henry George publishes Progress and Poverty
John D. Rockefeller creates Standard Oil Trust
Congress passes Chinese Exclusion Act
Knights of Labor at peak of membership
Rock Springs massacre of Chinese miners
Haymarket Square violence
American Federation of Labor (AFL) founded
Hatch Act
Interstate Commerce Act
New Jersey passes law enabling trusts to operate in the state
Homestead lockout
Severe depression hits; causes mass unemployment and wave of corporate mergers
America’s one hundred largest companies control one-third of national productive capacity
J. P. Morgan creates U.S. Steel, America’s first billion-dollar corporation
Marianna, Pennsylvania, mine disaster
Walter Dill publishes The Psychology of Advertising