America Compared: The Human Cost of World War I

The United States played a crucial role in financing World War I. In its war-related expenditures, totaling $22.6 billion, the United States ranked fourth among all nations that participated, ranking behind only Germany ($37.7 billion), Britain ($35.3 billion), and France ($24.3 billion). In human terms, however, the U.S. role was different. Note that the figures below for military casualties are rough estimates. Civilian casualties are even more uncertain: the exact number of Russians, Italians, Romanians, Serbians, and others who died will never be known.

World War I Casualties
Country Total Population Military Killed
or Missing
Total Civilian Deaths
Germany 67,000,000 2,037,000 700,000
Russia 167,000,000 1,800,000 2,000,000
France 39,000,000 1,385,300 40,000
Austria-Hungary 49,900,000 1,016,200 unknown
United Kingdom 46,400,000 702,410 1,386
Italy 35,000,000 462,400 unknown
Turkey 21,300,000 236,000 2,000,000*
Romania 7,510,000 219,800 265,000–500,000
Serbia 5,000,000 127,500 600,000
Bulgaria 5,500,000 77,450 275,000
India 316,000,000 62,060 negligible
Canada 7,400,000 58,990 negligible
Australia 4,872,000 53,560 negligible
United States 92,000,000 51,822 negligible

* Mostly Armenians

Table 21.2: TABLE 21.1


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