Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian: The Global Cold War


Correct. The answer is b. Stalin’s exercise of control and unwillingness to hold free elections or honor self-determination in the nations of Eastern Europe in 1946 and 1947 led Truman to claim that communism threatened every nation in the free world.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Stalin’s exercise of control and unwillingness to hold free elections or honor self-determination in the nations of Eastern Europe in 1946 and 1947 led Truman to claim that communism threatened every nation in the free world.


Correct. The answer is c. Syngman Rhee asked the United States for weapons and assistance in its shooting war against North Korea, which had launched a surprise attack across the 38th parallel that had divided Communist North and Democratic South Korea since the end of World War II.
Incorrect. The answer is c. Syngman Rhee asked the United States for weapons and assistance in its shooting war against North Korea, which had launched a surprise attack across the 38th parallel that had divided Communist North and Democratic South Korea since the end of World War II.


Correct. The answer is b. Acheson was making a fairly explicit comparison between North Korea and Nazi Germany in these remarks. He chose the phrases “we condemn aggression” and “we reject appeasement” because of the use of those terms in relation to Hitler’s actions in Europe before World War II.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Acheson was making a fairly explicit comparison between North Korea and Nazi Germany in these remarks. He chose the phrases “we condemn aggression” and “we reject appeasement” because of the use of those terms in relation to Hitler’s actions in Europe before World War II.


Correct. The answer is d. Shigeru Yoshida’s remarks demonstrated that he and other Japanese citizens were relieved by the deployment of U.S. and UN troops to South Korea to protect it against North Korea’s incursions. As a disarmed nation, the Japanese were fearful of a Communist threat and dependent on the United States and United Nations for protection.
Incorrect. The answer is d. Shigeru Yoshida’s remarks demonstrated that he and other Japanese citizens were relieved by the deployment of U.S. and UN troops to South Korea to protect it against North Korea’s incursions. As a disarmed nation, the Japanese were fearful of a Communist threat and dependent on the United States and United Nations for protection.


Correct. The answer is c. Dulles suggested that the United States had intervened in Guatemala because the Soviet Union had installed Arbenz to “breed subversion which would extend to other American Republics.” He insinuated that the nationalist government in the nation was actually a Soviet one.
Incorrect. The answer is c. Dulles suggested that the United States had intervened in Guatemala because the Soviet Union had installed Arbenz to “breed subversion which would extend to other American Republics.” He insinuated that the nationalist government in the nation was actually a Soviet one.


Correct. The answer is a. Toriello stated that the United States opposed the new government in Guatemala because it “affected the privileges of the foreign enterprises that are impeding the progress and economic development of the country” and put “an end to the monopoly of the [American owned] United Fruit Company.”
Incorrect. The answer is a. Toriello stated that the United States opposed the new government in Guatemala because it “affected the privileges of the foreign enterprises that are impeding the progress and economic development of the country” and put “an end to the monopoly of the [American owned] United Fruit Company.”