Quiz for American Voices: Debating the Equal Rights Amendment


Correct. The answer is c. Phyllis Schlafly’s remarks suggest that a woman’s natural role is to be a wife and a mother. She believes that women have the fundamental right to financial support and protection by men to guarantee that they can fulfill that natural role.
Incorrect. The answer is c. Phyllis Schlafly’s remarks suggest that a woman’s natural role is to be a wife and a mother. She believes that women have the fundamental right to financial support and protection by men to guarantee that they can fulfill that natural role.


Correct. The answer is a. Schlafly said that “women’s liberationists” supported the ERA because “They hate men, marriage, and children. They are out to destroy morality and the family.”
Incorrect. The answer is a. Schlafly said that “women’s liberationists” supported the ERA because “They hate men, marriage, and children. They are out to destroy morality and the family.”


Correct. The answer is c. Jerry Falwell argued that “God Almighty created men and women biologically different and with differing needs and roles.” He believed that although they were fundamentally different, men and women were also complementary and that “Women who work should be respected and accorded dignity and equal rewards for equal work.”
Incorrect. The answer is c. Jerry Falwell argued that “God Almighty created men and women biologically different and with differing needs and roles.” He believed that although they were fundamentally different, men and women were also complementary and that “Women who work should be respected and accorded dignity and equal rewards for equal work.”


Correct. The answer is b. Falwell suggested that women who supported the ERA did so because they were bored with life and had never accepted their God-given roles as wives and mothers in Christian families.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Falwell suggested that women who supported the ERA did so because they were bored with life and had never accepted their God-given roles as wives and mothers in Christian families.


Correct. The answer is d. Elizabeth Koontz was pointing out that women could not, in fact, rely on male breadwinners for economic support because of the increasing rates of divorce, desertion, and separation. She believed it was important to remove the legal barriers that prevented girls and women from making the choice to embrace economic independence whether or not they could rely on men for economic support.
Incorrect. The answer is d. Elizabeth Koontz was pointing out that women could not, in fact, rely on male breadwinners for economic support because of the increasing rates of divorce, desertion, and separation. She believed it was important to remove the legal barriers that prevented girls and women from making the choice to embrace economic independence whether or not they could rely on men for economic support.


Correct. The answer is b. NAWSA had long pursued woman suffrage on a state-by-state basis. Inspired by the more militant British suffrage movement, Alice Paul founded the National Woman’s Party in 1916 to advocate a national constitutional amendment to achieve woman suffrage in the United States. The National Woman’s Party had first introduced the ERA to Congress in 1923, and Bird and other feminists continued to pursue their strategy to achieve equal rights for women in the 1970s.
Incorrect. The answer is b. NAWSA had long pursued woman suffrage on a state-by-state basis. Inspired by the more militant British suffrage movement, Alice Paul founded the National Woman’s Party in 1916 to advocate a national constitutional amendment to achieve woman suffrage in the United States. The National Woman’s Party had first introduced the ERA to Congress in 1923, and Bird and other feminists were continued to pursue their strategy to achieve equal rights for women in the 1970s.