Quiz for Thinking Like a Historian: Globalization: Its Proponents and Its Discontents


Correct. The answer is b. Petra Mata’s story illustrates American companies’ tendency to seek the lowest possible labor costs. The story reveals that Levi Strauss hired low-cost immigrant laborers in the 1970s and 1980s and, when globalization and free trade made it possible to move beyond the nation’s borders, it moved its operations to Costa Rica, where labor costs were even lower.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Petra Mata’s story illustrates American companies’ tendency to seek the lowest possible labor costs. The story reveals that Levi Strauss hired low-cost immigrant laborers in the 1970s and 1980s and, when globalization and free trade made it possible to move beyond the nation’s borders, it moved its operations to Costa Rica, where labor costs were even lower.


Correct. The answer is d. The figure shows very clearly that most of the money generated by Apple’s production of the iPhone goes to Apple profits, despite the fact that globalization makes it possible for Apple to outsource its production to laborers overseas.
Incorrect. The answer is d. The figure shows very clearly that most of the money generated by Apple’s production of the iPhone goes to Apple profits, despite the fact that globalization makes it possible for Apple to outsource its production to laborers overseas.


Correct. The answer is a. The National Lawyers Guild suggests that the policies of the WTO and its allied institutions around the world have been to promote or even create militaristic governments that represent the interests of foreign businesses rather than the interests of their own citizens. This analysis implies that the WTO in the twenty-first century is pursuing the same types of policies that the United States pursued in Central America in the 1950s when it supported repressive right-wing regimes that protected the interests of American corporations.
Incorrect. The answer is a. The National Lawyers Guild suggests that the policies of the WTO and its allied institutions around the world have been to promote or even create militaristic governments that represent the interests of foreign businesses rather than the interests of their own citizens. This analysis implies that the WTO in the twenty-first century is pursuing the same types of policies that the United States pursued in Central America in the 1950s when it supported repressive right-wing regimes that protected the interests of American corporations.


Correct. The answer is d. In this press release, the World Trade Organization was making the case that free trade and the globalization of capitalism were the best solutions for the problem of poverty around the world.
Incorrect. The answer is d. In this press release, the World Trade Organization was making the case that free trade and the globalization of capitalism were the best solutions for the problem of poverty around the world.


Correct. The answer is b. Mata’s story serves to challenge the WTO’s assertion that globalization is a sure solution to the problem of poverty.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Mata’s story serves to challenge the WTO’s assertion that globalization is a sure solution to the problem of poverty.