America’s History: Printed Page 111

America’s History: Value Edition: Printed Page 94


REVIEW QUESTIONSAnswer these questions to demonstrate your understanding of the chapter’s main ideas.
  1. Question

    What strategies did Charles II and James II employ to try to gain more centralized control over England’s American colonies? What did James hope to accomplish by creating the Dominion of New England?

  2. Question

    How did the long era of imperial warfare beginning in 1689 affect the colonies, Native Americans, and relations between them?

  3. Question

    What was the South Atlantic System, and how did it shape colonial society?

  4. Question

    How did the institution of slavery develop, and why did it develop differently in the Chesapeake, the Carolina low country, and the West Indies?

  5. Question

    THEMATIC UNDERSTANDING Trace the developments outlined in the section entitled “Politics and Power” from 1660 to 1750 on the thematic timeline. What pattern of political evolution do you see in colonial interactions with Britain?