1810 |
Congress approves funds for a National Road (1806)
First American textile factory opens in Waltham, Massachusetts (1814)
Struggle to expand the suffrage begins with Maryland reformers
Martin Van Buren creates first statewide political machine (1817–1821)
Missouri crisis (1819–1821) over slavery
In rural areas, people of different ranks share a common culture
Upper-class women sponsor charitable organizations
1820 |
New England shoe industry expands
Erie Canal completed (1825)
Henry Clay’s “American System” of government-assisted development
Market economy expands nationwide
Benevolent reform movements
Emerson champions transcendentalism
Charles Finney and others advance revivalist religion
Industrialism fragments society into more distinct classes and cultures
1830 |
U.S. textiles compete with British goods
Canal systems expand trade in eastern U.S.
Financial panic of 1837 begins six-year depression
Boom in cotton output
Increase in waged work sparks conflict between labor and capital
Tariff battles (1828, 1832) and nullification
Whig Party forms (1834)
Jackson destroys Second Bank, expands executive power
Temperance crusade expands
Joseph Smith and Mormonism
Middle-class culture spreads
Slavery defended as a “positive good”
Urban popular culture (sex trade and minstrelsy)
W. L. Garrison’s American Anti-Slavery Society (1833)
Female Moral Reform Society (1834) defines gender identity
Texas gains independence (1836)
1840 |
Log cabin campaign (1840)
Second Party System flourishes
Lawyers emerge as political leaders
1850 |
Severe recession cuts industrial jobs (1858)
Railroads connect Midwest and eastern ports
Cotton production and prices rise, as does the cost of enslaved laborers
American Renaissance: Melville, Whitman, and Hawthorne
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)