Sources for America’s History: Printed Page 28

2-3  |The Limits of the Puritan Community
The Trial of Anne Hutchinson (1637)

The Christian charity that John Winthrop (Document 2-2) extolled did not extend to all members of the new colonial society. Anne Hutchinson (1591–1643) arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1634 and within a few years was embroiled in a religious and political crisis. Like all Calvinists, Hutchinson believed that God’s grace alone could save one’s soul and that individuals could not earn their way to heaven through good deeds. While some ministers had accepted outward signs of grace as evidence of salvation, assuming that only the elect could lead saintly lives, Hutchinson rejected this. When she began holding prayer meetings and questioning the doctrines of some Bay Colony ministers, Hutchinson was put on trial and eventually banished. This selection comes from the transcript of Hutchinson’s trial. The governor who leads the questioning is Winthrop.

Mr. Winthrop, governor. Mrs Hutchinson, you are called here as one of those that have troubled the peace of the commonwealth and the churches here; you are known to be a woman that hath had a great share in the promoting and divulging of those opinions that are the cause of this trouble … you have maintained a meeting and an assembly in your house that hath been condemned by the general assembly as a thing not tolerable nor comely in the sight of God nor fitting for your sex, and notwithstanding that was cried down you have continued the same. Therefore we have thought good to send for you to understand how things are, that if you be in an erroneous way we may reduce you that so you may become a profitable member here among us, otherwise if you be obstinate in your course that then the court may take such course that you may trouble us no further. Therefore I would intreat you to express whether you do not hold and assent in practice to those opinions and factions that have been handled in court already, that is to say, whether you do not justify Mr. Wheelwright’s sermon and the petition.

Mrs. Hutchinson. I am called here to answer before you but I hear no things laid to my charge.

Gov. I have told you some already and more I can tell you.

Mrs. H. Name one, Sir.

Gov. Have I not named some already?

Mrs. H. What have I said or done?

Gov. Why for your doings, this you did harbor and countenance those that are parties in this faction that you have heard of.

Mrs. H. That’s matter of conscience, Sir.

Gov. Your conscience you must keep, or it must be kept for you.…

Mrs. H. If you please to give me leave I shall give you the ground of what I know to be true. Being much troubled to see the falseness of the constitution of the Church of England, I had like to have turned Separatist. Whereupon I kept a day of solemn humiliation and pondering of the thing; this scripture was brought unto me — he that denies Jesus Christ to be come in the flesh is antichrist. This I considered of and in considering found that the papists did not deny him to be come in the flesh, nor we did not deny him — who then was antichrist? Was the Turk antichrist only? The Lord knows that I could not open scripture; he must by his prophetical office open it unto me.… I bless the Lord, he hath let me see which was the clear ministry and which the wrong. Since that time I confess I have been more choice and he hath left me to distinguish between the voice of my beloved and the voice of Moses, the voice of John the Baptist and the voice of antichrist, for all those voices are spoken of in scripture. Now if you do condemn me for speaking what in my conscience I know to be truth I must commit myself unto the Lord.

Mr. Nowel [assistant to the Court]. How do you know that was the spirit?

Mrs. H. How did Abraham know that it was God that bid him offer his son, being a breach of the sixth commandment?

Dep. Gov. By an immediate voice.

Mrs. H. So to me by an immediate revelation.

Dep. Gov. How! an immediate revelation.

Mrs. H. By the voice of his own spirit to my soul. I will give you another scripture, Jer[emiah] 46: 27-28 — out of which the Lord showed me what he would do for me and the rest of his servants. But after he was pleased to reveal himself to me I did presently, like Abraham, run to Hagar. And after that he did let me see the atheism of my own heart, for which I begged of the Lord that it might not remain in my heart, and being thus, he did show me this (a twelvemonth after) which I told you of before.… Therefore, I desire you to look to it, for you see this scripture fulfilled this day and therefore I desire you as you tender the Lord and the church and commonwealth to consider and look what you do. You have power over my body but the Lord Jesus hath power over my body and soul; and assure yourselves thus much, you do as much as in you lies to put the Lord Jesus Christ from you, and if you go on in this course you begin, you will bring a curse upon you and your posterity, and the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.…

Gov. Daniel was delivered by miracle; do you think to be deliver’d so too?

Mrs. H. I do here speak it before the court. I look that the Lord should deliver me by his providence.…

Gov. I am persuaded that the revelation she brings forth is delusion.…

Gov. The court hath already declared themselves satisfied concerning the things you hear, and concerning the troublesomeness of her spirit and the danger of her course amongst us, which is not to be suffered. Therefore if it be the mind of the court that Mrs. Hutchinson for these things that appear before us is unfit for our society, and if it be the mind of the court that she shall be banished out of our liberties and imprisoned till she be sent away, let them hold up their hands.

[All but three did so.]

Gov. Mrs. Hutchinson, the sentence of the court you hear is that you are banished from out of our jurisdiction as being a woman not fit for our society, and are to be imprisoned till the court shall send you away.

Mrs. H. I desire to know wherefore I am banished?

Gov. Say no more. The court knows wherefore and is satisfied.

Thomas Hutchinson, The History of the Province of Massachusets-Bay (Boston: Thomas and John Fleet, 1767), 482–483, 507–509, 515, 519–520.


  1. Question

    According to the transcript, why did Hutchinson run afoul of the colony’s leaders? What is the charge against her?

  2. Question

    Why do the colony’s leaders react so strongly when Hutchinson claimed a divine revelation?

  3. Question

    To what extent were Hutchinson’s problems a result of her being female? What does her case reveal about the extent (or absence) of gender equality in Puritan society?