1. The passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act reflected Congress’s desire to
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2. What caused the gross domestic product of the United States to quadruple between 1860 and 1890?
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3. Proponents of the “New South” approach to developing the region were motivated by
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4. Advocates of the free-market economy argued that the key to success was
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5. Which nineteenth-century innovation did economist Richard T. Ely hold responsible for producing a “progeny of evils”?
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6. The rise of black-run schools, churches, and businesses in the South was an unintended consequence of
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7. The purpose of “grandfather clauses” in the voting laws of southern states was to
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8. The idea that public accommodations for black and white citizens could be “equal but separate” was supported by the
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9. Why were senators able to amass more power and influence than congressmen during the Gilded Age?
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10. Followers of religious denominations that emphasized the free will of the individual were more likely to vote for Republicans than Democrats because they believed
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11. The younger generation of Republicans whose politics were not primarily determined by their experiences of the Civil War and Reconstruction were known as
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12. Most Americans during the late nineteenth century expected politicians to provide
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