Chapter Review: Timeline of Events


1931 Scottsboro Nine tried for rape
1932–1939 Dust storms sweep through Great Plains
1932 Creation of Reconstruction Finance Corporation
River Rouge autoworkers’ strike
Milo Reno creates the Farm Holiday Association
Bonus Army marches on Washington, D.C.
1933 Roosevelt takes steps to stabilize banking and financial systems
Agricultural Adjustment Act passed
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) created
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) created
National Recovery Administration (NRA) created
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) created
1934 Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) passed
Francis Townsend forms Old-Age Revolving Pensions Corporation
Huey Long establishes Share Our Wealth movement
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) established
1935 Charles E. Coughlin organizes National Union for Social Justice
Works Progress Administration (WPA) established
Social Security Act passed
National Labor Relations Act passed
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) founded
Creation of the Soil Conservation Service
1937 United Auto Workers conduct sit-down strikes against General Motors in Flint, Michigan
Roosevelt proposes to increase the size of the Supreme Court
1938 Fair Labor Standards Act passed