Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Interpret the Evidence

  1. Question

    How does the Why We Fight video portray Japan and its leadership? How does it compare Japan to Germany and Italy (Document 23.12)?

  2. Question

    How would you describe the government’s strategy for relocating the Japanese (Document 23.13)? What hardships would Japanese people face? What assistance did the government offer to relocated people?

  3. Question

    Why did Chief Justice Harlan Stone uphold the constitutionality of Executive Order 9066 (Document 23.14)? How does he counter arguments that a curfew for Japanese people constitutes racial discrimination?

  4. Question

    Why did Justice Frank Murphy argue that internment was unconstitutional (Document 23.15)? Why, in his opinion, did the government specifically target Japanese citizens?

  5. Question

    What did Charles Kikuchi mean by his statement that Americans who protested his right to vote were more dangerous than Japanese American citizens (Document 23.16)?

  6. Question

    How did opponents of internment invoke American values in their arguments?

Put It in Context

  1. Question

    In what ways was internment different from other instances when the United States suppressed civil liberties during wartime?

  2. Question

    What might have been alternatives to Japanese internment?