Document 27.2 Jerry Falwell, We Must Return to Traditional Religious Values, 1980

Jerry Falwell | We Must Return to Traditional Religious Values, 1980

Socially conservative evangelical Christians opposed the feminist movement, abortion rights, gay rights, and other forces they believed contributed to the secularization of American society. Southern Baptist preacher Jerry Falwell was one of the Christian Right’s most powerful leaders. He founded the Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University, in Lynchburg, Virginia, as well as the Moral Majority political organization. The following selection illustrates Falwell’s merging of religious beliefs with a conservative political agenda.


We must reverse the trend America finds herself in today. Young people between the ages of twenty-five and forty have been born and reared in a different world than Americans of years past. The television set has been their primary baby-sitter. From the television set they have learned situation ethics and immorality—they have learned a loss of respect for human life. They have learned to disrespect the family as God has established it. They have been educated in a public-school system that is permeated with secular humanism. They have been taught that the Bible is just another book of literature. They have been taught that there are no absolutes in our world today. They have been introduced to the drug culture. They have been reared by the family and by the public school in a society that is greatly void of discipline and character-building. These same young people have been reared under the influence of a government that has taught them socialism and welfarism. They have been taught to believe that the world owes them a living whether they work or not. . . .

It is now time to take a stand on certain moral issues, and we can only stand if we have leaders. We must stand against the Equal Rights Amendment, the feminist revolution, and the homosexual revolution. We must have a revival in this country. . . .

As a preacher of the Gospel, I not only believe in prayer and preaching, I also believe in good citizenship. If a labor union in America has the right to organize and improve its working conditions, then I believe that the churches and the pastors, the priests, and the rabbis of America have a responsibility, not just the right, to see to it that the moral climate and conscience of Americans is such that this nation can be healed inwardly. If it is healed inwardly, then it will heal itself outwardly.

Source: Jerry Falwell, Listen America! (New York: Doubleday, 1980), 17–18.

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