Chapter Review: Timeline of Events


1970 Nixon orders invasion of Cambodia
Four students shot by National Guardsmen at Kent State University
Congress repeals Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
1971 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created
New York Times and Washington Post publish the Pentagon Papers
1972 Nixon visits China
U.S. and Soviet Union sign the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I)
Watergate break-in
1973 Endangered Species Act passed
Congress passes the War Powers Act
U.S. supports Israel in Yom Kippur War
U.S. agrees to withdraw from Vietnam
1973–1974 OPEC oil embargo against the United States creates gas shortages
1974 Nixon resigns
1975 North Vietnam defeats South Vietnam
1977 Department of Energy created
1978 Proposition 13 passed in California
Allan Bakke wins his affirmative action case
1979 Divorce rate peaks at 23 divorces per 1,000 married couples
Moral Majority founded
Three Mile Island nuclear accident
1981 Reagan fires striking air traffic controllers
Reagan survives assassination attempt
1982 Ratification period expires for Equal Rights Amendment
1991 Senate confirmation hearing for Clarence Thomas