As Boston grew in size and its commercial economy expanded, the city became a central hub of international trade. Newspapers kept records of the ships entering and leaving Boston Harbor. The following list from a January 1707 edition of the Boston News-Letter records arrivals and departures to and from the busy seaport.
Boston | Entered Inward | From |
John Bradick | Sloop John & Mary | New York |
Abraham Schellinx | Sloop Endeavour | Ditto |
Clemens Sumner | Sloop Speedwell | Connecticut |
Walter Reves | Sloop Tryall | Ditto |
Joseph Concklin | Sloop Tryall | Ditto |
Jeremiah Vaile | Sloop Mary | N. Carolina |
John Ruggels | Brigt. Good Luck | Barbadoes |
James Barnes | Sloop Endeavour | Antigua |
Daniel Noyes | Brigt. Hannover | Hundoras |
Jonathan Armitage | Ship Adventure | Ditto |
John Price | Brigt. Willi & Mary | Newfoundland |
Cleared Outward | For | |
David Notrhby | Brigt. Speedwell | N. Carolina |
James Blin | Sloop Goodhope | Ditto |
Dirick Adolph | Sloop Two Brothers | New York |
John Rayner | Katch Freek | Newfoundland |
Eleazar Johnson | Brigt. Hopewell | Ditto |
William Thomas | Brigt. Eagle | Fyall. |
Outward Bound | For | |
John Blower | Ship Stanier Galley | Oporto |
Indigo Potter | Sloop Two Brothers | Pensylvania |
Lewis Hunt | Sloop Nonsuch | Newfoundland |
Source: Boston News-Letter, June 16–June 23, 1707.