1880–1900U.S. creates third most powerful navy
1893U.S. plantation owners overthrow Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii
1895–1898Cuban War for Independence
1898U.S. battleship Maine explodes
The War of 1898
Anti-Imperialist League founded
1899–1902Philippine-American War
1901Platt Amendment passed
1904Roosevelt Corollary announced
1909U.S. intervenes in Nicaragua on behalf of U.S. fruit and mining companies
1914Panama Canal opens
World War I begins
1915German submarine sinks the Lusitania
1916Wilson sends U.S. troops into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa
1917Zimmermann telegram
United States enters World War I
Espionage Act
War Industries Board established
Committee on Public Information established
1918Sedition Act
National War Labor Board established
Germany surrenders, ending World War I
1919Wilson loses battle for ratification of Treaty of Versailles