1915Ku Klux Klan revived
1917–1918Great migration begins
1917Russian Revolution begins
1918–1920Worldwide influenza epidemic
19194 million workers go on strike nationwide
Race riots
Radicals mail bombs
Palmer raids begin
1919–1929Harlem Renaissance
1920American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) formed
1921J. Edgar Hoover becomes director of the Bureau of Investigation
Teapot Dome scandal
1924Indian Citizens Act Passed
National Origins Act passed
Charles Dawes negotiates reduction in Germany's reparations payments
1925–1929U.S. farm income drops by 50 percent
1925Scopes trial
1927Sacco and Vanzetti executed
1928Democrat Al Smith loses presidential election to Republican Herbert Hoover
1929Stock market crash sparks Great Depression