1789Massachusetts institutes free public elementary education
1790Samuel Slater's spinning mill opens
1790–1820Cotton production in the South increases from 3,000 to 330,000 bales annually
U.S. slave population rises from 700,000 to 1.5 million
1791–1803Haitian Revolution
1792–1809New capital of Washington City constructed
1793Eli Whitney invents cotton gin
1801Judiciary Act
U.S. forces challenge Barbary pirates
1803Louisiana Purchase
Marbury v. Madison
1804–1806Corps of Discovery explores Louisiana Territory and Pacific Northwest
1807Robert Fulton launches first successful steamboat
Embargo Act
1810Population of New York and Philadelphia each exceeds 100,000
1817American Colonization Society founded
1819McCulloch v. Maryland
1820Washington Irving publishes Sketchbook
1828Noah Webster publishes American Dictionary of the English Language