1859 Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species
Henry Bessemer improves steel production process
1860–1890 U.S. gross domestic product quadruples
1866 Transatlantic telegraph cable completed
1868 Typewriter invented
1870–1900 U.S. becomes a global industrial power
1870–1910 Number of U.S. white-collar workers triples
1870s John D. Rockefeller takes control of oil refining business
1872 Montgomery Ward established
1876 Thomas Edison establishes research laboratory
1881 James Garfield assassinated
1883 Civil Service Act
1884–1900 1,700 blacks lynched in the South
1885 Alexander Graham Bell founds American Telephone and Telegraph
1886 U.S. railroads adopt standard gauge
Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company
1889 Andrew Carnegie publishes “The Gospel of Wealth”
1890 Sherman Antitrust Act
1890s African Americans disfranchised in the South
1895 United States v. E.C. Knight Company
1896 Plessy v. Ferguson
1901 United States Steel established