1865–1895 U.S. manufacturing jobs jump from 5.3 million to 15.1 million
1867 Grange founded
1869 Knights of Labor founded
1870–1900 Number of female wageworkers increases by 66 percent
1877 Great Railroad Strike
1879 Terence Powderly becomes leader of Knights of Labor
1880s Northwestern, Southern, and Colored Farmers’ Alliances formed
1886 Haymarket Square violence
American Federation of Labor founded
1887 Interstate Commerce Act
1889 Northwestern and Southern Farmers’ Alliances merge
1890 Sherman Silver Purchase Act
1890s Southern states restrict blacks’ right to vote
1892 Homestead steelworkers’ strike
Populist Party established
1893 Depression triggered by stock market collapse
1894 Pullman strike
Coxey’s army marches to Washington
Sherman Silver Purchase Act repealed
1896 Populist William Jennings Bryan runs for president
1897 Populist Party declines
1901 Eugene Debs establishes Socialist Party of America