Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Document Links:

Document 29.5 Diana Hoffman, “The Power of Freedom,” 2002

Document 29.6 Khaled Abou El Fadl, Response to September 11, 2001

Document 29.7 Anti-Muslim Discrimination, 2011

Document 29.8 Edward Snowden, Interview, 2014

Document 29.9 Alice M. Greenwald, Message from the Director of the 9/11 Memorial Museum

Interpret the Evidence

  1. Who is Diana Hoffman addressing in her poem (Document 29.5)? What does she hope to accomplish?

  2. How does being a Muslim shape Khaled Abou El Fadl’s reaction to September 11 (Document 29.6)?

  3. Why does the cartoonist in Document 29.7 compare the Muslim experience following September 11 to that of Japanese Americans interned in World War II camps?

  4. How does Edward Snowden justify his actions in leaking classified documents from the NSA (Document 29.8)? How does his behavior signify that for many Americans the lessons of 9/11 are lessening in importance and other considerations have become more significant?

  5. How does the 9/11 Memorial Museum draw on history to chronicle September 11 (Document 29.9)? What would you include in the museum for the sake of historical accuracy?

Put It in Context

How did the attacks on September 11 change America?