Deposition of William Wyatt, March 7, 1770
Just two days after the Boston Massacre, city officials began deposing dozens of witnesses to the event. They later published their descriptions as part of a pamphlet that criticized the event as a “Horrid Massacre.” The following selection is from the testimony of William Wyatt and describes his version of the scene just as British soldiers were loading their weapons.
That last Monday evening, being the fifth day of March current, I was in Boston, down on Treat’s wharf, where my vessel was lying, and hearing the bells ring, supposed there was a fire in the town, whereupon I hastened up to the Town-house, on the south side of it, where I saw an officer of the army lead out of the guard-house there seven or eight soldiers of the army, and lead them down in seeming haste, to the Custom-house on the north side of King street, where I followed them, and when the officer had got there with the men, he bid them face about. I stood just below them on the left wing, and the said officer ordered his men to load, which they did accordingly, with the utmost dispatch, then they remained about six minutes, with their firelocks rested and bayonets fixed, but not standing in exact order. I observed a considerable number of young lads, and here and there a man amongst them, about the middle of the street, facing the soldiers, but not within ten or twelve feet distance from them; I observed some of them, viz., the lads, etc., had sticks in their hands, laughing, shouting, huzzaing, and crying fire; but could not observe that any of them threw anything at the soldiers, or threatened any of them. Then the said officer retired from before the soldiers and stepping behind them, towards the right wing, bid the soldiers fire; they not firing, he presently again bid ’em fire, they not yet firing, he stamped and said, “Damn your bloods, fire, be the consequence what it will”; then the second man on the left wing fired off his gun, then, after a very short pause, they fired one after another as quick as possible, beginning on the right wing; the last man’s gun on the left wing flashed in the pan, then he primed again, and the people being withdrawn from before the soldiers, most of them further down the street, he turned his gun toward them and fired upon them. Immediately after the principal firing, I saw three of the people fall down in the street; presently after the last gun was fired off, the said officer, who had commanded the soldiers (as above) to fire, sprung before them, waving his sword or stick, said, “Damn ye, rascals, what did ye fire for?” and struck up the gun of one of the soldiers who was loading again, whereupon they seemed confounded and fired no more.
Source: A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston Perpetrated in the Evening of the Fifth Day of March, 1770, by the Soldiers of the 29th Regiment (Boston, 1770), republished with additional material by John Doggett Jr. (New York, 1849), 72.
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