Organize the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 20

Document Links:

Document 20.1 POEM READ BY FOUR-MINUTE MEN, It’s Duty Boy (c. 1918)

Document 20.2 Halt the Hun! (c. 1918)

Document 20.3 Advertisement in History Teacher’s Magazine (1917)

Document 20.4 He Will Come Back a Better Man! (1918)

Document 20.5 GEORGE CREEL, The “Censorship” Bugbear (1920)

Organize the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 20

The following exercises provide an opportunity to use the sources collectively to respond to a guiding question.

Guiding Question: What strategies did the federal government use to shape public opinion about and build support for the nation’s involvement in the war in Europe, and how did its campaign affect the country in positive and negative ways?


Below are three topics that might find a place in organizing an essay responding to the guiding question. This exercise asks you to identify which sources would provide relevant evidence for that topic. Select the best answers for each question. Choose ALL that apply. Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.

Question 20.16

1. Which of the sources provides specific evidence about the ways the federal government worked to convince Americans to join the military during World War I? Choose ALL that apply.

R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 20.1: It’s Duty Boy
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 20.2: Halt the Hun!
kcVtUDKfaIWTKrqEI7di7A== Document 20.3: Advertisement in History Teacher’s Magazine
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 20.4: He Will Come Back a Better Man!
kcVtUDKfaIWTKrqEI7di7A== Document 20.5: George Creel, The “Censorship” Bugbear
Correct: Document 20.1: The poem encourages military service by suggesting that men who refuse to serve will disgrace their ancestors and themselves. Document 20.2: The poster encourages military service by indicating that men who join the fight will help save women and children from German atrocities. Document 20.4: This advertisement was intended to reassure families that military service will be good for their sons so that they might encourage their sons to sign up.
Incorrect: Document 20.3: The advertisement encourages teachers to build support for the war among their students. Document 20.5: Creel defends the policies of the CPI.

Question 20.17

2. Which of these documents provides specific evidence about the ways the Committee on Public Information sought to transform Americans’ commitment to neutrality into support for the war? Choose ALL that apply.

R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 20.1: It’s Duty Boy
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 20.2: Halt the Hun!
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 20.3: Advertisement in History Teacher’s Magazine
kcVtUDKfaIWTKrqEI7di7A== Document 20.4: He Will Come Back a Better Man!
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 20.5: George Creel, The “Censorship” Bugbear
Correct: Document 20.1: The verse frames World War I as part of America’s legacy of fighting for freedom. Document 20.2: This image musters support for the war by portraying Germany as a brutal aggressor perpetrating war against Europe’s innocents. Document 20.3: The advertisement lists some of the many publications available for teachers and others who are well placed to build support for the war in schools and other institutional settings and provides tips for teachers aiming to build support for the war in their classrooms. Document 20.5: Creel describes the strategies the CPI uses to get newspaper writers and editors on board with its pro-war propaganda campaign.
Incorrect: Document 20.4: This advertisement is intended to persuade families that wartime service will benefit young men who join up.

Question 20.18

3. Which of the following documents provides specific evidence about the ways some Americans viewed the CPI’s propaganda campaign? Choose ALL that apply.

kcVtUDKfaIWTKrqEI7di7A== Document 20.1: It’s Duty Boy
kcVtUDKfaIWTKrqEI7di7A== Document 20.2: Halt the Hun!
kcVtUDKfaIWTKrqEI7di7A== Document 20.3: Advertisement in History Teacher’s Magazine
kcVtUDKfaIWTKrqEI7di7A== Document 20.4: He Will Come Back a Better Man!
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 20.5: George Creel, The “Censorship” Bugbear
Correct: Document 20.5: Creel’s essay, intended to defend the practices of the CPI against its critics, is the only one of these documents that sheds light on the question of how some Americans perceived the CPI’s campaign to build support for the war.
Incorrect: Document 20.1: This verse does not provide specific information about how Americans viewed the CPI. Document 20.2: This image does not provide specific information about how Americans viewed the CPI. Document 20.3: This advertisement does not provide specific information about how Americans viewed the CPI. Document 20.4: This advertisement does not provide specific evidence about how Americans viewed the CPI.