Organize the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 22

Organize the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 22

The following exercises provide an opportunity to use the sources collectively to respond to a guiding question.

Guiding Question: How did Franklin Roosevelt’s administration work to sell the New Deal to the American people and in what ways did Roosevelt’s various critics, in turn, seek to build support for their own political positions?


Below are three topics that might find a place in organizing an essay responding to the guiding question. This exercise asks you to identify which sources would provide relevant evidence for that topic. Select the best answers for each question. Choose ALL that apply. Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.

Question 22.16

1. Which of the sources provides specific evidence about the Roosevelt administration’s efforts to sell the New Deal to Americans? Choose ALL that apply.

Document 22.1: Franklin Roosevelt, Fireside Chat Transcript
Document 22.2: Give a Man a Job! Transcript
Document 22.3: Frank E. Gannett, Letter on Court Packing
Document 22.4: Republican Party National Platform
Document 22.5: Huey P. Long, Criticism of Franklin Roosevelt
Correct: Document 22.1: This transcript illustrates the arguments and rhetoric that Roosevelt used to persuade Americans that he was committed to alleviating the nation’s economic woes using a variety of innovative policies and programs. Document 22.2: The song illustrates one of the promotions that New Dealers used to convince Americans to join with Roosevelt and do their part to end the depression.
Incorrect: Document 22.3: Gannett’s letter represents a critique of Franklin Roosevelt. Document 22.4: The Republican Party’s platform provides examples of Roosevelt’s critics’ efforts to persuade Americans to reject the New Deal. Document 22.5: Huey Long critiques Roosevelt and his policies.

Question 22.17

2. Which of these documents provides specific evidence about critics of the New Deal who argued that Roosevelt was a threat to American freedom and democracy? Choose ALL that apply.

Document 22.1: Franklin Roosevelt, Fireside Chat Transcript
Document 22.2: Give a Man a Job! Transcript
Document 22.3: Frank E. Gannett, Letter on Court Packing
Document 22.4: Republican Party National Platform
Document 22.5: Huey P. Long, Criticism of Franklin Roosevelt
Correct. Document 22.3: Gannett argues that Roosevelt’s effort to enlarge the Supreme Court was a partisan move that threatened to create absolutism and complete dictatorial power in the United States. Document 22.4: The Republican Party platform suggests that the New Deal administration had engaged in various activities that threatened American freedom and democracy, including usurping the powers of Congress, flouting the authority and integrity of the Supreme Court, and violating the rights and liberties of American citizens.
Incorrect: Document 22.1: Franklin Roosevelt’s fireside chat was not a critique of the New Deal. Document 22.2: The song was an effort to promote the New Deal. Document 22.4: Long was a critic of the New Deal, but he did not suggest that it threatened freedom and democracy.

Question 22.18

3. Which of the following documents provides specific evidence about critics of the New Deal who argued that it did not go far enough to solve the nation’s economic crisis? Choose ALL that apply.

Document 22.1: Franklin Roosevelt, Fireside Chat Transcript
Document 22.2: Give a Man a Job! Transcript
Document 22.3: Frank E. Gannett, Letter on Court Packing
Document 22.4: Republican Party National Platform
Document 22.5: Huey P. Long, Criticism of Franklin Roosevelt
Correct: Document 22.5: Long argues that the New Deal was too conservative economically and that it did not do enough to redistribute the nation’s wealth.
Incorrect: Document 22.1: Roosevelt was not criticizing his own programs in this fireside chat. Document 22.2: The song promoted the New Deal and did not criticize it. Document 22.3: Gannett criticized the New Deal on the basis that it was too radical and threatened American freedom and democracy. Document 22.4: The Republican Party suggested that the New Deal was a threat to American institutions such as freedom and democracy.