Front Matter

Principles of Life

The Authors

Brief Table of Contents


Advisors and Reviewers

Launchpad for Principles of Life, SECOND EDITION

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Principles of Life

Principles of Life

Concept 1.1: Living Organisms Share Common Aspects of Structure, Function, and Energy Flow

Concept 1.2: Life Depends on Organization and Energy

Concept 1.3: Genetic Systems Control the Flow, Exchange, Storage, and Use of Information

Concept 1.4: Evolution Explains the Diversity as Well as the Unity of Life

Concept 1.5: Science Is Based on Quantitative Observations, Experiments, and Reasoning

Part 1: Cells


Chapter 2: The Chemistry and Energy of Life

The Chemistry and Energy of Life

Concept 2.1: Atomic Structure Is the Basis for Life’s Chemistry

Concept 2.2: Atoms Interact and Form Molecules

Concept 2.3: Carbohydrates Consist of Sugar Molecules

Concept 2.4: Lipids Are Hydrophobic Molecules

Concept 2.5: Biochemical Changes Involve Energy


Chapter 3: Nucleic Acids, Proteins, and Enzymes

Nucleic Acids, Proteins, and Enzymes

Concept 3.1: Nucleic Acids Are Informational Macromolecules

Concept 3.2: Proteins Are Polymers with Important Structural and Metabolic Roles

Concept 3.3: Some Proteins Act as Enzymes to Speed up Biochemical Reactions

Concept 3.4: Regulation of Metabolism Occurs by Regulation of Enzymes


Chapter 4: Cells: The Working Units of Life

Cells: The Working Units of Life

Concept 4.1: Cells Provide Compartments for Biochemical Reactions

Concept 4.2: Prokaryotic Cells Do Not Have a Nucleus

Concept 4.3: Eukaryotic Cells Have a Nucleus and Other Membrane-Bound Compartments

Concept 4.4: The Cytoskeleton Provides Strength and Movement

Concept 4.5: Extracellular Structures Provide Support and Protection For Cells and Tissues


Chapter 5: Cell Membranes and Signaling

Cell Membranes and Signaling

Concept 5.1: Biological Membranes Have a Common Structure and Are Fluid

Concept 5.2: Passive Transport across Membranes Requires No Input of Energy

Concept 5.3: Active Transport Moves Solutes against Their Concentration Gradients

Concept 5.4: Large Molecules Cross Membranes via Vesicles

Concept 5.5: The Membrane Plays a Key Role in a Cell’s Response to Environmental Signals

Concept 5.6: Signal Transduction Allows the Cell to Respond to Its Environment


Chapter 6: Pathways that Harvest and Store Chemical Energy

Pathways that Harvest and Store Chemical Energy

Concept 6.1: ATP and Reduced Coenzymes Play Important Roles in Biological Energy Metabolism

Concept 6.2: Carbohydrate Catabolism in the Presence of Oxygen Releases a Large Amount of Energy

Concept 6.3: Carbohydrate Catabolism in the Absence of Oxygen Releases a Small Amount of Energy

Concept 6.4: Catabolic and Anabolic Pathways Are Integrated

Concept 6.5: During Photosynthesis, Light Energy Is Converted to Chemical Energy

Concept 6.6: Photosynthetic Organisms Use Chemical Energy to Convert CO2 to Carbohydrates


Part 2: Genetics


Chapter 7: The Cell Cycle and Cell Division

The Cell Cycle and Cell Division

Concept 7.1: Different Life Cycles Use Different Modes of Cell Reproduction

Concept 7.2: Both Binary Fission and Mitosis Produce Genetically Identical Cells

Concept 7.3: Cell Reproduction Is Under Precise Control

Concept 7.4: Meiosis Halves the Nuclear Chromosome Content and Generates Diversity

Concept 7.5: Programmed Cell Death Is a Necessary Process in Living Organisms


Chapter 8: Inheritance, Genes, and Chromosomes

Inheritance, Genes, and Chromosomes

Concept 8.1: Genes Are Particulate and Are Inherited According to Mendel’s Laws

Concept 8.2: Alleles and Genes Interact to Produce Phenotypes

Concept 8.3: Genes Are Carried on Chromosomes

Concept 8.4: Prokaryotes Can Exchange Genetic Material


Chapter 9: DNA and Its Role in Heredity

DNA and Its Role in Heredity

Concept 9.1: DNA Structure Reflects Its Role as the Genetic Material

Concept 9.2: DNA Replicates Semiconservatively

Concept 9.3: Mutations Are Heritable Changes in DNA


Chapter 10: From DNA to Protein: Gene Expression

From DNA to Protein: Gene Expression

Concept 10.1: Genetics Shows That Genes Code for Proteins

Concept 10.2: DNA Expression Begins with Its Transcription to RNA

Concept 10.3: The Genetic Code in RNA Is Translated into the Amino Acid Sequences of Proteins

Concept 10.4: Translation of the Genetic Code Is Mediated by tRNAs and Ribosomes

Concept 10.5: Proteins Are Modified after Translation


Chapter 11: Regulation of Gene Expression

Regulation of Gene Expression

Concept 11.1: Many Prokaryotic Genes Are Regulated in Operons

Concept 11.2: Eukaryotic Genes Are Regulated by Transcription Factors

Concept 11.3: Gene Expression Can Be Regulated via Epigenetic Changes to Chromatin

Concept 11.4: Eukaryotic Gene Expression Can Be Regulated after Transcription


Chapter 12: Genomes


Concept 12.1: There Are Powerful Methods for Sequencing Genomes and Analyzing Gene Products

Concept 12.2: Prokaryotic Genomes Are Small, Compact, and Diverse

Concept 12.3: Eukaryotic Genomes Are Large and Complex

Concept 12.4: The Human Genome Sequence Has Many Applications


Chapter 13: Biotechnology


Concept 13.1: Recombinant DNA Can Be Made in the Laboratory

Concept 13.2: DNA Can Genetically Transform Cells and Organisms

Concept 13.3: Genes Come from Various Sources and Can Be Manipulated

Concept 13.4: Biotechnology Has Wide Applications


Chapter 14: Genes, Development, and Evolution

Genes, Development, and Evolution

Concept 14.1: Development Involves Distinct but Overlapping Processes

Concept 14.2: Changes in Gene Expression Underlie Cell Fate Determination and Differentiation

Concept 14.3: Spatial Differences in Gene Expression Lead to Morphogenesis

Concept 14.4: Changes in Gene Expression Pathways Underlie the Evolution of Development

Concept 14.5: Developmental Genes Contribute to Species Evolution but Also Pose Constraints


Part 3: Evolution


Chapter 15: Processes of Evolution

Processes of Evolution

Concept 15.1: Evolution Is Both Factual and the Basis of Broader Theory

Concept 15.2: Mutation, Selection, Gene Flow, Genetic Drift, and Nonrandom Mating Result in Evolution

Concept 15.3: Evolution Can Be Measured by Changes in Allele Frequencies

Concept 15.4: Selection Can Be Stabilizing, Directional, or Disruptive

Concept 15.5: Genomes Reveal Both Neutral and Selective Processes of Evolution

Concept 15.6: Recombination, Lateral Gene Transfer, and Gene Duplication Can Result in New Features

Concept 15.7: Evolutionary Theory Has Practical Applications


Chapter 16: Reconstructing and Using Phylogenies

Reconstructing and Using Phylogenies

Concept 16.1: All of Life Is Connected through Its Evolutionary History

Concept 16.2: Phylogeny Can Be Reconstructed from Traits of Organisms

Concept 16.3: Phylogeny Makes Biology Comparative and Predictive

Concept 16.4: Phylogeny Is the Basis of Biological Classification


Chapter 17: Speciation


Concept 17.1: Species Are Reproductively Isolated Lineages on the Tree of Life

Concept 17.2: Speciation Is a Natural Consequence of Population Subdivision

Concept 17.3: Speciation May Occur through Geographic Isolation or in Sympatry

Concept 17.4: Reproductive Isolation Is Reinforced When Diverging Species Come into Contact


Chapter 18: The History of Life on Earth

The History of Life on Earth

Concept 18.1: Events in Earth’s History Can Be Dated

Concept 18.2: Changes in Earth’s Physical Environment Have Affected the Evolution of Life

Concept 18.3: Major Events in the Evolution of Life Can Be Read in the Fossil Record


Part 4: Diversity


Chapter 19: Bacteria, Archaea, and Viruses

Bacteria, Archaea, and Viruses

Concept 19.1: Life Consists of Three Domains That Share a Common Ancestor

Concept 19.2: Prokaryote Diversity Reflects the Ancient Origins of Life

Concept 19.3: Ecological Communities Depend on Prokaryotes

Concept 19.4: Viruses Have Evolved Many Times


Chapter 20: The Origin and Diversification of Eukaryotes

The Origin and Diversification of Eukaryotes

Concept 20.1: Eukaryotes Acquired Features from Both Archaea and Bacteria

Concept 20.2: Major Lineages of Eukaryotes Diversified in the Precambrian

Concept 20.3: Protists Reproduce Sexually and Asexually

Concept 20.4: Protists Are Critical Components of Many Ecosystems


Chapter 21: The Evolution of Plants

The Evolution of Plants

Concept 21.1: Primary Endosymbiosis Produced the First Photosynthetic Eukaryotes

Concept 21.2: Key Adaptations Permitted Plants to Colonize Land

Concept 21.3: Vascular Tissues Led to Rapid Diversification of Land Plants

Concept 21.4: Seeds Protect Plant Embryos

Concept 21.5: Flowers and Fruits Increase the Reproductive Success of Angiosperms


Chapter 22: The Evolution and Diversity of Fungi

The Evolution and Diversity of Fungi

Concept 22.1: Fungi Live by Absorptive Heterotrophy

Concept 22.2: Fungi Can Be Saprobic, Parasitic, Predatory, or Mutualistic

Concept 22.3: Major Groups of Fungi Differ in Their Life Cycles

Concept 22.4: Fungi Can Be Sensitive Indicators of Environmental Change


Chapter 23: Animal Origins and Diversity

Animal Origins and Diversity

Concept 23.1: Distinct Body Plans Evolved among the Animals

Concept 23.2: Some Animal Groups Fall outside the Bilateria

Concept 23.3: Protostomes Have an Anterior Brain and a Ventral Nervous System

Concept 23.4: Arthropods Are Diverse and Abundant Animals

Concept 23.5: Deuterostomes Include Echinoderms, Hemichordates, and Chordates

Concept 23.6: Life on Land Contributed to Vertebrate Diversification

Concept 23.7: Humans Evolved among the Primates


Part 5: Plant Form and Function

Plant Form and Function

Chapter 24: The Plant Body

The Plant Body

Concept 24.1: The Plant Body Is Organized and Constructed in a Distinctive Way

Concept 24.2: Apical Meristems Build the Primary Plant Body

Concept 24.3: Many Eudicot Stems and Roots Undergo Secondary Growth

Concept 24.4: Domestication Has Altered Plant Form


Chapter 25: Plant Nutrition and Transport

Plant Nutrition and Transport

Concept 25.1: Plants Acquire Mineral Nutrients from the Soil

Concept 25.2: Soil Organisms Contribute to Plant Nutrition

Concept 25.3: Water and Solutes Are Transported in the Xylem by Transpiration–Cohesion–Tension

Concept 25.4: Solutes Are Transported in the Phloem by Pressure Flow


Chapter 26: Plant Growth and Development

Plant Growth and Development

Concept 26.1: Plants Develop in Response to the Environment

Concept 26.2: Gibberellins and Auxin Have Diverse Effects but a Similar Mechanism of Action

Concept 26.3: Other Plant Hormones Have Diverse Effects on Plant Development

Concept 26.4: Photoreceptors Initiate Developmental Responses to Light


Chapter 27: Reproduction of Flowering Plants

Reproduction of Flowering Plants

Concept 27.1: Most Angiosperms Reproduce Sexually

Concept 27.2: Hormones and Signaling Determine the Transition from the Vegetative to the Reproductive State

Concept 27.3: Angiosperms Can Reproduce Asexually


Chapter 28: Plants in the Environment

Plants in the Environment

Concept 28.1: Plants Have Constitutive and Induced Responses to Pathogens

Concept 28.2: Plants Have Mechanical and Chemical Defenses against Herbivores

Concept 28.3: Plants Adapt to Environmental Stresses


Part 6: Animal Form and Function

Animal Form and Function

Chapter 29: Fundamentals of Animal Function

Fundamentals of Animal Function

Concept 29.1: Animals Eat to Obtain Energy and Chemical Building Blocks

Concept 29.2: An Animal’s Energy Needs Depend on Physical Activity and Body Size

Concept 29.3: Metabolic Rates Are Affected by Homeostasis and by Regulation and Conformity

Concept 29.4: Animals Exhibit Division of Labor, but Each Cell Must Make Its Own ATP

Concept 29.5: The Phenotypes of Individual Animals Can Change during Their Lifetimes

Concept 29.6: Animal Function Requires Control Mechanisms


Chapter 30: Nutrition, Feeding, and Digestion

Nutrition, Feeding, and Digestion

Concept 30.1: Food Provides Energy and Chemical Building Blocks

Concept 30.2: Animals Get Food in Three Major Ways

Concept 30.3: The Digestive System Plays a Key Role in Determining the Nutritional Value of Foods

Concept 30.4: The Vertebrate Digestive System Is a Tubular Gut with Accessory Glands

Concept 30.5: The Processing of Meals Is Regulated


Chapter 31: Breathing


Concept 31.1: Respiratory Gas Exchange Depends on Diffusion and Bulk Flow

Concept 31.2: Animals Have Evolved Diverse Types of Breathing Organs

Concept 31.3: The Mammalian Breathing System Is Anatomically and Functionally Elaborate


Chapter 32: Circulation


Concept 32.1: Circulatory Systems Can Be Closed or Open

Concept 32.2: The Breathing Organs and Systemic Tissues Are Usually, but Not Always, in Series

Concept 32.3: A Beating Heart Propels the Blood

Concept 32.4: Many Key Processes Occur in the Vascular System

Concept 32.5: The Blood Transports O2 and CO2


Chapter 33: Muscle and Movement

Muscle and Movement

Concept 33.1: Muscle Cells Develop Forces by Means of Cycles of Protein–Protein Interaction

Concept 33.2: Skeletal Muscles Pull on Skeletal Elements to Produce Useful Movements

Concept 33.3: Skeletal Muscle Performance Depends on ATP Supply, Cell Type, and Training

Concept 33.4: Many Distinctive Types of Muscle Have Evolved


Chapter 34: Neurons, Sense Organs, and Nervous Systems

Neurons, Sense Organs, and Nervous Systems

Concept 34.1: Nervous Systems Are Composed of Neurons and Glial Cells

Concept 34.2: Neurons Generate Electric Signals by Controlling Ion Distributions

Concept 34.3: Neurons Communicate with Other Cells at Synapses

Concept 34.4: Sensory Processes Provide Information on an Animal’s External Environment and Internal Status

Concept 34.5: Neurons Are Organized into Nervous Systems


Chapter 35: Control by the Endocrine and Nervous Systems

Control by the Endocrine and Nervous Systems

Concept 35.1: The Endocrine and Nervous Systems Play Distinct, Interacting Roles

Concept 35.2: Hormones Are Chemical Messengers Distributed by the Blood

Concept 35.3: The Vertebrate Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland Link the Nervous and Endocrine Systems

Concept 35.4: Hormones Regulate Mammalian Physiological Systems

Concept 35.5: The Insect Endocrine System Is Crucial for Development


Chapter 36: Water and Salt Balance

Water and Salt Balance

Concept 36.1: Kidneys Regulate the Composition of the Body Fluids

Concept 36.2: Nitrogenous Wastes Need to Be Excreted

Concept 36.3: Aquatic Animals Display a Wide Diversity of Relationships to Their Environment

Concept 36.4: Dehydration Is the Principal Challenge for Terrestrial Animals

Concept 36.5: Kidneys Adjust Water Excretion to Help Animals Maintain Homeostasis


Chapter 37: Animal Reproduction

Animal Reproduction

Concept 37.1: Sexual Reproduction Depends on Gamete Formation and Fertilization

Concept 37.2: The Mammalian Reproductive System Is Hormonally Controlled

Concept 37.3: Reproduction Is Integrated with the Life Cycle


Chapter 38: Animal Development

Animal Development

Concept 38.1: Fertilization Activates Development

Concept 38.2: Cleavage Creates Building Blocks and Produces a Blastula

Concept 38.3: Gastrulation Produces a Second, then a Third Germ Layer

Concept 38.4: Gastrulation Sets the Stage for Organogenesis and Neurulation in Chordates

Concept 38.5: Extraembryonic Membranes Protect and Nourish the Embryo

Concept 38.6: Development Continues throughout Life


Chapter 39: Immunology: Animal Defense Systems

Immunology: Animal Defense Systems

Concept 39.1: Animals Use Innate and Adaptive Mechanisms to Defend Themselves against Pathogens

Concept 39.2: Innate Defenses Are Nonspecific

Concept 39.3: The Adaptive Immune Response Is Specific

Concept 39.4: The Adaptive Humoral Immune Response Involves Specific Antibodies

Concept 39.5: The Adaptive Cellular Immune Response Involves T Cells and Their Receptors


Chapter 40: Animal Behavior

Animal Behavior

Concept 40.1: Behavior Is Controlled by the Nervous System but Is Not Necessarily Deterministic

Concept 40.2: Behavior Is Influenced by Development and Learning

Concept 40.3: Behavior Is Integrated with the Rest of Function

Concept 40.4: Moving through Space Presents Distinctive Challenges

Concept 40.5: Social Behavior Is Widespread

Concept 40.6: Behavior Helps Structure Ecological Communities and Processes


Part 7: Ecology


Chapter 41: The Distribution of Earth’s Ecological Systems

The Distribution of Earth’s Ecological Systems

Concept 41.1: Ecological Systems Vary over Space and Time

Concept 41.2: Solar Energy Input and Topography Shape Earth’s Physical Environments

Concept 41.3: Biogeography Reflects Physical Geography

Concept 41.4: Biogeography Also Reflects Geological History

Concept 41.5: Human Activities Affect Ecological Systems on a Global Scale


Chapter 42: Populations


Concept 42.1: Populations Are Patchy in Space and Dynamic over Time

Concept 42.2: Births Increase and Deaths Decrease Population Size

Concept 42.3: Life Histories Determine Population Growth Rates

Concept 42.4: Populations Grow Multiplicatively, but the Multiplier Can Change

Concept 42.5: Immigration and Emigration Affect Population Dynamics

Concept 42.6: Ecology Provides Tools for Conserving and Managing Populations


Chapter 43: Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Interactions within and among Species

Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Interactions within and among Species

Concept 43.1: Interactions between Species May Increase, Decrease, or Have No Effect on Fitness

Concept 43.2: Interactions within and among Species Affect Population Dynamics and Species Distributions

Concept 43.3: Species Are Embedded in Complex Interaction Webs

Concept 43.4: Interactions within and among Species Can Result in Evolution


Chapter 44: Ecological Communities

Ecological Communities

Concept 44.1: Communities Contain Species That Colonize and Persist

Concept 44.2: Communities Change over Space and Time

Concept 44.3: Community Structure Affects Community Function

Concept 44.4: Diversity Patterns Provide Clues to What Determines Diversity

Concept 44.5: Community Ecology Suggests Strategies for Conserving Community Function-


Chapter 45: The Global Ecosystem

The Global Ecosystem

Concept 45.1: Climate and Nutrients Affect Ecosystem Function-

Concept 45.2: Biological, Geological, and Chemical Processes Move Materials through Ecosystems-

Concept 45.3: Certain Biogeochemical Cycles Are Especially Critical for Ecosystems

Concept 45.4: Biogeochemical Cycles Affect Global Climate

Concept 45.5: Rapid Climate Change Affects Species and Communities

Concept 45.6: Ecological Challenges Can Be Addressed through Science and International Cooperation


Appendix A: The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

Appendix B: Making Sense of Data: A Statistics Primer

Making Sense of Data: A Statistics Primer

Appendix C: Some Measurements Used in Biology

Some Measurements Used in Biology

Illustration Credits

Illustration Credits

