Concept 15.1: Evolution Is Both Factual and the Basis of Broader Theory | hillis2e_ch15_2.html | 532b65ab757a2e982a000003 |
Concept 15.2: Mutation, Selection, Gene Flow, Genetic Drift, and Nonrandom Mating Result in Evolution | hillis2e_ch15_3.html | 532b65ab757a2e982a000003 |
Concept 15.3: Evolution Can Be Measured by Changes in Allele Frequencies | hillis2e_ch15_4.html | 532b65ab757a2e982a000003 |
Concept 15.4: Selection Can Be Stabilizing, Directional, or Disruptive | hillis2e_ch15_5.html | 532b65ab757a2e982a000003 |
Concept 15.5: Genomes Reveal Both Neutral and Selective Processes of Evolution | hillis2e_ch15_6.html | 532b65ab757a2e982a000003 |
Concept 15.6: Recombination, Lateral Gene Transfer, and Gene Duplication Can Result in New Features | hillis2e_ch15_7.html | 532b65ab757a2e982a000003 |
Concept 15.7: Evolutionary Theory Has Practical Applications | hillis2e_ch15_8.html | 532b65ab757a2e982a000003 |