Chapter 1. Speciation (Chapters 21-22)

Simulation Activity
Speciation (Chapters 21-22)

1.1 Section Title

Simulation Activity
To get started, click on the "Simulation" button at the top of the map. Select the severity of different mutations and the size of the two daughter populations, then click "Start" to see frequencies change over time. After you've tried the simulation at least once, click the button below to answer questions showing that you’ve understood the concepts covered here.
Simulation Assessment
You must try the simulation before answering the questions.
To get started, click on the "Simulation" button at the top of the map. Select the severity of different mutations and the size of the two daughter populations, then click "Start" to see frequencies change over time. After you've tried the simulation at least once, click the button below to answer questions showing that you’ve understood the concepts covered here.