Chapter 1. Working With Data 18.10

Working with Data: HOW DO WE KNOW? Fig. 18.10

Fig. 18.10 describes studies of concordance of traits in twins to determine what traits are mostly genetic in nature and what traits are influenced by the environment. Answer the questions after the figure to practice interpreting data and understanding experimental design. These questions refer to concepts explained in the following two brief data analysis primers from a set of four available on LaunchPad:

  • Experimental Design
  • Data and Data Presentation

You can find these primers by clicking on the button labeled “Resources” in the menu at the upper right on your main LaunchPad page. Within the following questions, click on “Primer Section” to read the relevant section from these primers. Click on “Key Terms” to see pop-up definitions of boldface terms.

Complex traits are influenced by the interaction between genes and environment. To assess the relative importance of genetics versus environment for any given complex trait, geneticists sometimes study the concordance between identical twins and same-sex fraternal twins. The concordance among twins for any given trait is the proportion of pairs in which both have the trait among those pairs in which at least one has the trait.

Question 1 of 10
Question 1 of 10


On average, what percentage of alleles present in the parents are expected to be shared between identical twins?


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