General Purpose

Chapter 2. Movement of Materials Across the Cell Membrane II

General Purpose

Pre-Lab 6

This pre-lab will present some of the concepts related to the movement of materials across cell membranes and the process of osmosis.

Learning Objectives

General Purpose

  • Gain experience presenting the results and conclusions of an experiment to other individuals.

The data gathered for Exercises 1 and 2 in the Movement of Materials Across the Cell Membrane I Lab will be graphed and analyzed in this lab. At the end of this lab groups will give a brief oral presentation of their findings.

Before coming to lab you should review:

  • your null and alternative hypotheses for Exercise 1
  • your predictions for Exercise 1
  • your null and alternative hypotheses for Exercise 2
  • your predictions for Exercise 2
  • Appendix D—Data Analysis and Presentation

Complete the following table from Exercise 1.

To calculate percent change in mass for the tissue, use the formula:

% change in mass = (mass change/initial mass) × 100

NOTE: If the disks gained mass, the values should be positive. If they lost mass, the values should be negative. Calculating percent change in mass adjusts for differences in initial masses of the different samples and allows for direct comparisons of osmotic responses among the samples.

Pre-Lab Quiz

Proceed to the Pre-Lab Quiz