7. Book: Basic Format
The example here is the basic format for a book with one author. For author variations, see items 1–
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Book Title: Book Subtitle. Publisher, Publication Year.
Seeling, Charlotte. Fashion: 150 Years of Couturiers, Designers, Labels. H. F. Ullmann Publishing, 2012.
8. Author and Editor
Include the author’s name first if you are referring to the text itself. If, however, you are citing material written by the editor, include the editor’s name first, followed by a comma and “editor.”
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Book Title. Year of Original Publication. Edited by Editor’s First Name Last Name. Publisher, Year of Publication.
Editor’s Last Name, First Name, editor. Book Title. Year of Original Publication. By Author’s First Name Last Name. Publisher, Year of Publication.
Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. 1861. Edited by Janice Carlisle, Bedford/St. Martin's, 1996.
Carlisle, Janice, editor. Great Expectations. 1861. By Charles Dickens, Bedford/St. Martin's, 1996.
9. Edited Collection
Editor’s Last Name, First Name, editor. Book Title. Publisher, Year of Publication.
Abbott, Megan, editor. A Hell of a Woman: An Anthology of Female Noir. Busted Flush Press, 2007.
10. Work in an Anthology or a Collection
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Work.” Book Title, edited by Editor’s First Name Last Name, Publisher, Year of Publication, Page Numbers of Work.
Okpewho, Isidore. “The Cousins of Uncle Remus.” The Black Columbiad: Defining Moments in African American Literature and Culture, edited by Werner Sollors and Maria Diedrich, Harvard UP, 1994, pp. 15-
11. Multivolume Work
To cite one volume of a multivolume work, include the volume number after the title. Including the volume number in your list of works cited means that you do not need to list it in your in-
Author or Editor’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Work. Vol. Number, Publisher, Year of Publication.
Odekon, Mehmet, editor. Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Vol. 2, Sage Publishing, 2006.
Author or Editor’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Work. Publisher, Year of Publication. Number of vols.
Odekon, Mehmet, editor. Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Sage Publishing, 2006. 3 vols.
12. Part of a Series
After the publication information, include the series title and number (if any) from the title page.
Author or Editor’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Work. Publisher, Year of Publication. Title of Series, Number in series.
Andersen, Jack, editor. Genre Theory in Information Studies. Emerald Group Publishing, 2015. Studies in Information, no. 11.
13. Republished Book
If the book you are citing was previously published, include the original publication date after the title. If the new publication includes additional text, such as an introduction, include that, along with the name of its author, before the current publication information.
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Work. Original Year of Publication. New Material Author’s First Name Last Name, Publisher, Year of Publication.
Davidson, Bruce. Subway. 1986. Introduction by Fred Brathwaite, Aperture Foundation, 2011.
14. Later Edition
Include the edition number as a numeral with letters (“2nd,” “3rd,” “4th,” etc.) followed by “ed.” after the book’s title. If the edition is listed on the title page as “Revised” or similar without a number, use the word with "ed.” after the title of the book.
Author(s). Title of Work. Number ed., Publisher, Year of Publication.
Bodley, John H. Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problems. 6th ed., AltaMira Press, 2012.
Holt, Hamilton. The Life Stories of Distinguished Americans as Told by Themselves. Expanded ed., Routledge, 2000.
15. Sacred Work
Include the title of the work as it is shown on the title page. If there is an editor or a translator listed, include the name after the title with either “Edited by” or “Translated by.”
Title of Work. Edited by or Translated by First Name Last Name, Publisher, Year of Publication.
The King James Bible: 400th Anniversary Edition. Oxford UP, 2010.
The Qur’an. Translated by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem, Oxford UP, 2008.
16. Translation
Original Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Work. Translated by Translator’s First Name Last Name, Publisher, Year of Publication.
Alighieri, Dante. Inferno: A New Translation. Translated by Mary Jo Bang, Graywolf Press, 2012.
17. Article in a Reference Book
If there is no article author, begin with the title of the article.
Article Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Book Title, Publisher, Year of Publication.
Dirr, Michael A. “Brunfelsia.” Dirr’s Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs, Timber Press, 2011.
“Supreme Court Decisions.” The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2013, World Almanac, 2013.
18. Introduction, Preface, Foreword, or Afterword
Book Part Author’s Last Name, First Name. Description of Book Part. Book Title, by Book Author’s First Name Last Name, Publisher, Year of Publication, Page Numbers.
Gladwell, Malcolm. Foreword. The Book of Basketball: The NBA According to The Sports Guy, by Bill Simmons, Ballantine Books, 2009, pp. xi-
19. Title within a Title
If a book’s title includes the title of another long work (play, book, or periodical) within it, do not italicize the internal title.
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Book Title Title within Title. Publisher, Year of Publication.
Mayhew, Robert, editor. Essays on Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. Lexington Books, 2009.